
nursing programs keep the pipelines full of exceptional physicians and nurses to care for our community. Firelands Health remains steadfast to its mission of providing excellent healthcare, promoting community wellness, and improving the lives of those we serve. I am very proud of Firelands Health’s role in our community as a major employer and contributor to community health. Our associates take care of their patients, as evidenced by this letter recently received from a patient: “To the Staff of Firelands Regional Medical Center, thank you for the wonderful treatment I received from everyone during my pre-surgical appointments and subsequent surgery today. All interactions were both professional and courteous. “Unfortunately, during my 69 years, I’ve required previous surgeries and procedures at nine other institutions (including facilities in Cleveland), and without a doubt, my experiences at Firelands were second to none. Every single person I came in contact with was friendly, caring, and willing to smile while performing their duties, which was most comforting to me. “Although as I review this note, it plan will put us in a good position to withstand these turbulent market forces, improving our margins and ensuring our sustainability throughout the years to come. Another challenge in 2022 was the federal change in pension interest rate calculations. Firelands Health lost fifty individuals to an early retirement due to the prevailing interest rate calculations. Those fifty individuals encompass well over 1,000 years of institutional knowledge. It is sad and challenging to lose those team members. Our team will greatly miss their skill sets, personalities, and commitment to Firelands Health. That said, I am very proud of how others in our organization have stepped up and are finding new ways to solve problems creatively in order to care for the community. And now for the good news! In this report, you will read many heartwarming stories about how donors helped provide or enhance care at Firelands Health last year. You’ll read about the new technology in our Cardiac Catheterization Labs that benefit our patients and the care team. You’ll read about the care given to Sandusky Fire Department’s Tim Eckert and the gratitude he and his father expressed for that care. Another story features the talented and compassionate Firelands Health Safety and Security Services department. Please read about how donor support helped a young Ukrainian family who fled Ukraine receive healthcare for their infant son. Another story will share how one young teen can now communicate with his family, thanks to Julian’s Fund. You’ll also learn about our talented physicians and how our medical education and school of reminds me of paid testimonials seen on social media sites. Please know it is heartfelt because your team was all great! May God bless you.” I receive more letters like this here at Firelands than at any other healthcare facility I have worked at. Your philanthropic support is not taken for granted and is greatly appreciated. Community support from our donors is crucial to keeping Firelands Health vibrant and responsive to the needs of our patients. Thank you to all of our benefactors listed in this report. You are an essential part of our team; without you, our work would not be possible. Again, I am honored and blessed to serve this community! Sincerely, Jeremy Normington-Slay President and CEO Firelands Health “Firelands Health remains steadfast to its mission of providing excellent healthcare, promoting community wellness, and improving the lives of those we serve.” 3