EHOVE Senior Recognition Book

Schedule May 26, 2023 Welcome and Introduction of Distinguished Guests Chris M. McCully, Superintendent Request for Decorum 8:30 am Ceremony - Caitlyn Erney, Perkins HS 10:30 am Ceremony - Paige Cantley, Margaretta HS 1:15 pm Ceremony - Christina Edwards, Huron HS National Anthem 8:30 am Ceremony - Carolyna Willis, Margaretta HS 10:30 am Ceremony - Ashton Walker, Western Reserve HS 1:15 pm Ceremony - Mitchell Deeks, Margaretta HS Class of 2023 Address Michael Strohl, Principal Student Speaker Introduction Charlie Warthling, Assistant Director Student Speakers 8:30 am & 10:30 am Ceremony - Elliott Brown, Norwalk HS 1:15 pm Ceremony - Anita Ruggles, Monroeville HS Presentation of Career Tech Certificates 8:30 am - Career Based Intervention, Construction Tech, Education & Family Careers, Exercise Science & Rehab Therapy, Medical Careers, Visual & Interactive Media 10:30 am - Auto Tech, Collision & Refinishing, Computer & Networking Technologies, Criminal Justice, Diesel Tech, Firefighter/EMT, Job Connections 1:15 pm - Business & Marketing, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Cybersecurity, Electrical Tech, Engineering Tech, Food Service Operations, Industrial Tech Closing Michael Strohl, Principal Senior Music Video Premiere Kendra Ward, Communications Coordinator