EHOVE Senior Recognition Book

Tradition Since 2015, EHOVE high school students have worn their graduation robes at Senior Recognition that they will also wear during their partner school’s graduation ceremo- ny. This variety of colors represents each partner school district and conveys the range of high schools students that come from the 800 square miles that EHOVE serves. Students may be wearing cords from their partner school to denote their academic achievement, or any of the following to denote their achievements at EHOVE: Ambassador Medal - Ambassadors are dedicated to the positive promotion of EHOVE Career Center. They are selected from various programs and volunteer to represent EHOVE at school and community functions. These students represent EHOVE in a responsible, ethical and professional manner, while portraying a positive and accurate image of EHOVE. VIP Medal - VIPs represent their career tech program and share their EHOVE experience by taking photos and videos of their activities. Their efforts help the community and future students get a firsthand look of what it is like to be an EHOVE student. See their stories on social media by searching #EHOVEvips. Drug Free Leaders Cord - This blue, yellow and red cord signifies the student’s successful completion in this optional club that provides them with the opportunity to learn about leadership, character and the community while participating in drug screening to maintain their membership. Being drug-free is a career asset highly requested and noticed by employers. National Technical Honor Society Cord - This purple and silver cord symbolizes the student’s induction into the organization that honors the achievements of top career tech students, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher education, and cultivates excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce.